Bachelor of Arts in Videogame Design and Development

ESNE is a pioneer university in offering the universe of video games the scientific and academic status it requires by creating the first University Degree in Video Game Design and Development in Spain. ESNE is the only national institution which has already trained several generations of Graduates in this field.  

To work in the field of video games today goes far beyond the development of cultural products for entertainment and leisure. A video game designer presents himself as a professional who is able to provide creative solutions for a wide range of sectors as diverse as health, education, architecture or engineering.

ESNE’s University Degree in Video Game Design and Development was born with the fundamental premises of training professionals who will contribute to the growth and development of the field. For this purpose, ESNE students begin since day one to acquire and apply the know-how of computing tools and latest generation designs in order to be able to carry out all sorts of computer applications, mobile devices, game consoles and internet, both inside and outside the video game field, multiplying through these means their employment opportunities.

ESNE’s experience and trajectory is guaranteed by the support of the industries with which it closely collaborates (Sony, Microsoft or Electronic Arts, are some of the companies in which our students work). Moreover, ESNE enjoys an explicit academic recognition as our students have obtained numerous renowned awards such as Sony PlayStation Awards or Laus Awards.

To course the University Degree in Video Game Design and Development at ESNE University is the first step in order to insert students in a field which is in expansion and has an elevated rate of employability.

The video game sector is the chief segment of leisure surpassing the figures of music and cinema.

According to the prestigious report Global Entertainment and Media Outlook: 2012-2016, conducted by the consultancy firm Price Waterhouse Coopers, the video game market will grow all over the world, foreseeing a turnover of one hundred billion dollars in 2016.

This Degree, with a curriculum which is revised and updated every year, a teaching team comprised by active experts and professionals, internships in the most relevant companies of the sector, and class projects set out to become commercial projects, trains students who will dominate the cutting-edge tools in the market, with a portfolio of real projects and that accrues to his credit different professional experiences.

Definitively, the professionals the industry needs.

DURATION: 4 years
DEGREE: Bachelor of Arts in Video Game Design and Development
DEGREE DENOMINATION: Graduate in Video Game Design and Development
KNOWLEDGE AREA: Arts and Humanit
MODALITY: Presential
CENTER: UNIVERSIDAD CAMILO JOSÉ CELA. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Educación
COORDINATOR: Phd. David Alonso
TIMETABLE: 1º and 2º: Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 1.00 pm; 3º and 4º: Monday to Friday 3.00 pm to 8.30 pm

Course Curriculum

Course Curriculum for the Bachelor of Arts in Videogame Design and Development at ESNE, University School of Design, Innovation and Technology, a centre affiliated with Universidad Camilo José Cela (UCJC).

First Year
Artistic Drawing (1st. sem.)6
Principals of Programming (1st. sem.)6
Vectorial Design (1st. sem.)6
Video Game Technology (1st. sem.)3
Introduction to the Creative Process (Annual)6
Art History (Annual)6
English I (Annual)6
Multiplayer networks and settings (2nd. sem.)3
Programming II (2nd. sem.)6
Digital Treatment of Images (2nd. sem.)6
Systems of Representation and Perspective (2nd. sem.)3
Data Base Principals (2nd. sem.)3
Subtotal of ECTS: 60
Second Year



Object Oriented Programming (1st. sem.)


Applied Mathematics (1st. sem.)


Audio-visual Communication (1st. sem.)


Video Games Design: Scripts and Storyboarding (Annual)


Animation and Scripting (Annual)


3D Rendering and Modelling (Annual)


Video Games Design and Development Web (Annual)


English II (Annual)


Visual Programming for Video Games (2nd. sem.)


Principals of Physics (2nd. sem.)


Subtotal of ECTS: 60

Third Year
Video Game Design: Levels (1st. sem.)4
Operating Environments and Platforms (1st. sem.)3
Audio in Video Games (1st. sem.)4
Applied Legislation (1st. sem.)3
Development for Mobile Devises (1st. sem.)5
Knowledge Engineering (Annual)6
Pre-production and Art Concept (Annual)8
3D Animation (Annual)8
Video Games Production I (2nd. sem.)4
Video Game Marketing (2nd. sem.)3
Internship (Annual)12
Subtotal of ECTS: 60
Fourth Year



Video Games Production II (1st. sem.)


Graphic Units and Plugins (1st. sem.)


Advanced 3D: Characters and Sceneries (Annual)


Graphic Programming (Annual)


Concept Art: Characters, Sceneries and Props. (Annual)


3D Advanced Animation (Annual)


Degree Final Project (Annual)


Digital Postproduction (2nd. sem.)


Middleware: Tools and Development (2nd. sem.)


Subtotal of ECTS: 60

Total ECTS in the Course Curriculum: 240 ECTS: European Nomenclature to define hours of study.

Career Opportunities

The professional outputs of the University Degree in Video Game Design and Development are:

  • Video Game Producer
  • Producer of audio-visual works and Transmedia
  • Video Game Script Writer
  • Gamification Consultant
  • Designer of video game levels
  • User experience Designer
  • Multiplatform systems Designer
  • Analytical systems Designer
  • Designer of economies Freemium
  • Monetization systems Designer
Art and Animation
  • Designer of characters and scenarios
  • Illustrator
  • Character Setup and Rigger
  • Animator
  • Mocap technician
  • Designer, Modeller and 2D/3D animator
  • Designer User Interface
  • Organic Modeller
  • Art Director
  • Texture Designer
  • Developer of Video Games
  • Artificial Intelligence programmer
  • Mobile application developer
  • Simulation programmer
  • Physical systems programmer
  • Function Analyst
  • Design Software Designer
  • Application Analyst